PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A May 2021 article from Forbes makes the argument that taking vacation time might save your life. The new Amazon Bestseller Creating Space, a collaborative book featuring entrepreneurs from all walks of life including executive recruiting, operations, midwifery, fitness, insurance, nutrition, and more takes a deeper look at the age-old question of “how much work is too much?”
Instead of focusing on a work-hard, play-hard mentality of short vacations scattered throughout longer periods at the office, Creating Space asks a simpler, but more pressing question: “How can I create space where I am right now?” For joy, for creativity, for family, and for business.
The important questions and thought provoking stories in Creating Space have led the chart topping business book to reach bestseller in Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Business Systems & Planning, and Creativity. In celebration of hitting bestseller, Kindle copies are free on Amazon October 3rd and 4th.
“Life isn’t a race to the finish line but a beautiful dance of moments,” writes Rebecca Cafiero, TEDx speaker and founder of The Pitch Club, in the forward of the book.
From practical tools for breaking old habits and building new ones, to meditative reflections on the power of travel, intuition, and movement, Creating Space offers not just inspiration, but contemplative questions and tools for implementation.
“Creating Space is an incredibly insightful and thought-provoking collection of stories… offering a refreshing perspective on how to lead to a more balanced and fulfilling existence,” Natasha, Amazon review.
In each purposeful, deeply personal chapter, 10 women entrepreneurs reflect on the tools, practices, and grit they have implemented in order to create space for not just growth, but transformative change in both business and life. Each distinct chapter explores how to integrate joy, movement, spirituality, style, and more, not as ways to fill a busy schedule, but to expand the horizons and create more space and fulfillment in all elements of life.
Amazon proceeds will be donated to Dress For Success, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women to achieve financial and economic independence.
Authors include: Rachel Woodward, Beth Schild, Alessandra Sollevare, Amy Bartko, Sam Tackeff, Abby Young, Megan Thompson, Melissa Dean, Brigitte Bartley Sawyer, Marisa Hohaia, and Rebecca Cafiero
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