PORT HURON – Mid-City Nutrition is slowly getting closer to opening its new building.
The skeleton of the building has been completed, including a recently added giant soup can on top of the structure. However, the inside construction has been put on pause until the nonprofit receives its appliances. Executive Director Sara Jones said once those go in, then the epoxy flooring can be poured in, the indoor piping can be placed and the electrical can be completed. Then all that needs to be done is a health inspection.
“Once the appliances are in, things will start moving very quickly,” Jones said.
The appliances, like many of things involved in creating the new building, are coming to Mid-City Nutrition through a donor. Jones said the appliances are a unique situation where they are first being donated to a separate organization, who is then donating them to Mid-City Nutrition. When the appliances will be delivered is not yet known.
Mid-City Nutrition is currently housed in the basement of St. Martin Lutheran Church, located at 805 Chestnut St. Once its new building is completed, Mid-City Nutrition will move to 830 Griswold St.
The total cost of the new building is not yet known. However, Jones said the cost might be roughly $1 million.