inKind Citi Merchant Offer
Citi Merchant Offers are similar to Amex Offers and Chase Offers. With these offers, Citi credit cardholders can unlock additional savings and benefits when making purchases with select merchants. These offers often include discounts, cashback rewards, or special promotions tailored to cardholders’ spending habits and preferences.
Citi Merchant Offers are now available for all Citi cardholders, although specific offers might still be targeted. Some people are now seeing an offer that can save you $15 at on your next inKind purchase. Check out the details below.
Offer Details
- Get a $15 statement credit when you deposit $100 or more into your inKind account (dining credit) at
- Payment must be made on or before the offer expiration date of 6/30/2024.
- Find your Citi Merchant Offers here.
Important Terms
- Limit of one enrolled card and one statement credit per card member.
- Valid in the US and US territories.
Guru’s Wrap-up
With this inKind Citi Merchant Offer you can save $15 on a purchase of $100 or more. It’s a decent offer, but we have seen much better in the past. Plus you can get a better deal at Costco where you can buy a $100 gift card for $69.99.
You can take advantage of this offer by simply using your Citi credit cards for eligible transactions. Just make sure you enroll in the offer first, before making a purchase. You can enroll multiple Citi credit cards for this same offer, as long as the offer shows up in that account.
If you don’t have an inKind account, you can sign up now and get $25 off you $50+ dining bill. They also have frequent promotions that make the app quite valuable.
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