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As the country’s largest and most long-standing telco provider, Telstra is a household name. The company holds more than 40% of the mobile phone market share, ahead of key competitors Optus and Vodaphone.
It’s a clear-cut quality stock due to its size and longevity, market dominance, solid earnings and dividends, and track record of good governance and adaptation to changing economic conditions and consumer demand.
But being a household name doesn’t automatically make a company’s shares good value or a safe bet when it comes to generating wealth as an investor. There are mixed views of Telstra as a stock worth holding in your investment portfolio.
Here’s what you need to know about Telstra shares and how to buy and sell the stock in Australia.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is it a good time to sell Telstra shares?
The decision to sell Telstra shares could be triggered by a changed view of the stock’s growth prospects or because you prefer or need cash in hand. Analysts have mixed views on whether Telstra shares are good value or a stock to sell, so it’s important that you do your own research and carefully weigh up why you’d want to invest in, or divest from, Telstra. If you’re not confident in making a decision independently, you may wish to talk to a professional financial advisor.
What is the dividend paid by Telstra?
The amount of Telstra’s dividend fluctuates year-to-year depending on the company’s profitability. In the financial year 2023, its total dividend was 17c per share. Telstra provides shareholders with fully franked dividends paid out twice yearly.
What is the highest Telstra shares have ever been?
In 1999, two years after it was partially privatised and listed on the ASX, Telstra’s shares peaked at over $9 per share. Another notable lift in its share price occurred in 2015 when the stock traded around the $6-6.50 range.
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