Student loans in the United States are financial aids offered by the federal government, private financial institutions, or other lending organizations and they must be paid back. However, to make it easier to manage, they can be merged into one big loan. Here’s how it works and how to apply.
Generally, only federal student loans are eligible for consolidation. Private student loans cannot be included in a federal consolidation loan and borrowers can apply for loan consolidation through the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid website or by submitting a consolidation application form by mail.
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Consolidating federal student loans can simplify the repayment process by combining multiple loans into one, reducing the number of monthly payments and potentially making them more manageable. It can also make borrowers eligible for certain loan forgiveness or repayment programs that they may not have been eligible for with their individual loans.
While loan consolidation can offer benefits, it’s essential for borrowers to consider potential drawbacks, such as potentially paying more interest over time with a longer repayment term and losing certain benefits associated with their original loans, such as interest rate discounts or principal rebates.
The deadline for loan consolidation applications in 2024 is April 29, 2024. The consolidation process can take a month or two to complete.
Why should I consolidate my student loan?
When consolidating federal student loans, the interest rate on the new consolidated loan is determined by taking the weighted average of the interest rates of the loans being consolidated, rounded up to the nearest one-eighth of a percent.
This means that the interest rate on the consolidated loan will typically be about the same as the weighted average of the interest rates on the individual loans, so a borrower isn’t really paying much more or less.
Consolidation may also extend the repayment term of the loan, allowing borrowers to choose a new repayment plan with a longer term, which can lower monthly payments but may result in paying more interest over the life of the loan.
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