DY6 Metals Ltd (ASX: DY6, “DY6” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise that it has received confirmation from Malawi’s Mining & Minerals Regulatory Authority (MMRA) that the licence area for its Karonga project (previously under application) has now been formally granted as Prospecting Licence No. EL0782/24.
Located in northern Malawi, the licence covers an area of approximately 36km2 and has the potential for copper mineralisation, as confirmed from preliminary reconnaissance/surveillance work undertaken by DY6’s in country technical team.
- Karonga Prospecting Licence has been granted over a recently identified high potential Copper (Cu) mineralisation anomalous area in the Karonga district.
- The licence grants to DY6 the exclusive right to prospect for copper, rare earth elements, lithium and other minerals for a term of 3 years with an option to renew the licence for a period not exceeding 2 years.
- Preliminary reconnaissance/ surveillance sampling work on the licence area revealed occurrence of elevated Cu grades, with initial portable XRF results ranging from 1.4 to 7.8% Cu in rock (refer Table 1). Results are to be verified using standard laboratory-based XRF analytical assaying methods*.
- DY6 has recently acquired and completed reprocessing of historic hyperspectral survey data, which has been used to map areas with high probability for copper mineralisation. The results from this exercise correlate well to the mineralisation identified in the sampling work.
- Historic anomalies from regional airborne geophysical radiometric and magnetic data appear to correlate with both the hyperspectral probability copper mineralisation mapping and the preliminary sampling reconnaissance work conducted.
- Exploration for Cu and other minerals will continue on the licence area.
* Cautionary Statement on pXRF – pXRF (Portable X-Ray Fluorescence) results that are announced in this report are from uncrushed, rock-chip samples and are preliminary only. The use of pXRF is an indication only of the order of magnitude of expected final assay results.
Figure 1. Location map of newly granted Karonga licence
The Project is located about 440km north of the capital Lilongwe Figure 1. It can easily be accessed using Karonga-Chitipa M1 Road turning to the west at Kasikisi School signpost along the M1 Road (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Topographical map of the Karonga licence EL0782/24
Geology and Mineralisation
The Karonga area is associated with a series of NW-SE and N-S trending ridges with metamorphic Basement complex rocks commonly identified as windows within the Karroo System which overlies the basement. The Karroo System units are typically sandstones with carbonaceous shale formations.
The eastern part of the licence area is overlain by several patches of Karoo sediments and Cretaceous to recent lacustrine sediments, the interrelations of which are complex due to unconformities and faulting (Figure 3A). This area is part of the northern sub-province of the Malawi Province of the Mozambique belt, active between about 700-400 million years ago. The major lithological components are gneisses and intrusives of the Misuku Belt, representing the south-eastern extension of the Ubendian Mobile Belt of south-western Tanzania into Malawi.
On a more local scale, the licence area is comprised of a suite of quartzite rocks, pegmatitic rocks and amphibole gneisses that intrude into the basement gneissic rocks forming the wall rock of the project area. The lithologies have a general NW-SE trend and are dipping west / south-west at very steep angles ranging from 600 to 850.
The presence of base metals and other related metal mineralisation is evident in the pegmatitic rocks and quartz zone (quartzite) group. The quartzite unit have clear malachite and azurite coexisting with sulphides minerals indicating the presence of copper and other base metals.
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