“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and the cause and prevention of disease” – Thomas Edison (1847-1931).
Words of wisdom, yet Western medicine has turned away from that concept to embrace the shortcuts. I rarely meet doctors who want to talk about nutrition and diet. That’s why, when Dr. Morgan Crowley speaks, I listen. She never fails to give good advice outside her expertise in Upper Cervical Care.
In terms of nutrition, diet simply means the food we eat. If you have ever smacked a fat-bellied mosquito, they are dead proof, we are what we eat.
Many of us go overboard when it comes to our favorite foods. Often times the foods we crave, even the healthy ones, are the foods that cause our bodies the most harm. That was my case for years and I had no idea.
Dr. Morgan once told me if a person eats healthy 80% of the time, they can eat fudge 20% of the time. See why I listen to her? Actually, what the wise doctor meant was, if you eat healthy most of the time, you can splurge some of the time. Although too much sugar wreaks havoc on my body, nightshade veggies such as potatoes, tomatoes and peppers are just as inflammatory for me. It took me years to realize the wrong kinds of food exacerbate my fibromyalgia symptoms.
One of Dr. Crowley’s patients were thoughtful enough to bring her one of my columns. I was pleased when Dr. Morgan said she could hear my voice in my writing. I like to hear that. That’s my goal. I’ve been misunderstood and pacified by the medical field for decades. Maybe my struggles will help someone else with unexplained health issues. At least now, I no longer feel alone on an island of misfits, waiting for other misfits to show up. Not all of us want to slap a Band-Aid on the wound, hoping the boo-boo gets better.
Larry celebrated a little too much on his birthday last month. Upon his request, I made that cake they nicknamed better than stargazing in Texas cake. I disagree about the name, but it is really, really good cake. Anyway, Larry indulged a bit too much on the fudge-like frosting and put on a couple of pounds. Again, I like owning up to things. In addition to making Larry the delicious cake, I bought him some chocolate-covered peanuts because I was concerned with him not getting enough protein. I had to have shoulder surgery after a freak accident swatting away a bee. All because my body was not absorbing protein. Believe me, getting enough protein is serious stuff! I also had sky high blood pressure (210/103) for days and refused to seek medical treatment. Stay tuned for that believe-it-or-not story.
Most of my mom’s side of the family seem to have hollow legs. I’ve had to watch what I eat or watch it show up behind me. I had pretty good success with the low-carb approach. I gleaned from different sources to get creative as not to get bored. I counted calories for a while. But as I said, math is not my strong point and I may have fudged the numbers a little. My body feels the healthiest when I eat the foods I love in moderation. That way I never feel deprived.
I also try to fast 12 hours most days of the week. I read labels and follow serving suggestions. I wasn’t happy to learn how much sugar is in fudge-covered Oreos. Just when I thought Oreos were the most perfect cookie, they dunked them in fudge! Oh, what a sinfully sweet world we live in.
Rita Wyatt Zorn is a wife, mother, grandmother and lifetime Monroe County resident. She can be reached at 7.noniez@gmail.com.
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